What should I wear?

This is probably the most common question. We want you to feel welcome. A specific attire is not required, and our members wear a variety of styles of clothing. We think it makes sense to wear nice, clean, modest clothing to church. As long as you do that you will not feel out of place.

Are there classes for different age groups?

Yes. We have Sunday school classes, a junior church time, and Wednesday evening classes for each age group. Our adults have a special time with the Pastor in the main auditorium.

Do you have a nursery?

Yes. Nursery is provided during all services for children under 3 years of age.

What are your services like?

Our services are what is commonly called “traditional.” The worship music primarily is great hymns of the faith as well as some choruses. We do have special music from members of the congregation on a weekly basis. The focus of all of our meetings is the Word of God. Generally, we will have several hymns, prayer, an offering, and then a message from the Bible.

Do visitors have to stand up and say anything?

No, you sure don’t. We will give you a visitor’s card and ask you to drop it in the offering plate so we can have a record of your visit. Pastor will acknowledge your attendance in order to allow our people the opportunity to give you a warm welcome.